Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy birthday to me! I am officially 28 today! This year, for my birthday present, I asked my students to all hand in their homework tomorrow. Do we think it'll work? Here's hoping!

You should know, that this birthday is not the only recent milestone in my life. Although I didn't post about it - and September 21 came and went without celebration - two weeks ago (on the 21st), Forever and a Recipe officially celebrated its 2nd blogiversary! While this blog has changed over the past two years, and continues to grow and adapt as my life changes and I adapt to those changes outside of the blog world. 

Last year, I posted about how I saw the age of 27 as the "adult year" - and I'm here to tell you that I was not wrong. 27 was in fact the year that I accomplished so many of goals, and reached countless milestones in my life. As I move forward into the year of 28, and the incredible and amazing things to come, I want to take this moment to fully appreciate the awesomeness that was 27. 

My mother writes me a birthday letter each year (a tradition that I will most certainly continue with my own daughter one day), and in this year's letter, she reminded me of a quote from one of our favorite plays, Our Town: "Oh earth, you are too wonderful for anyone to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it - every, every minute?"

As my mother pointed out, this is, of course, impossible to do. But I can take today, and try to weave time into each day, to realize the wonderfulness around me. This year was a major year for me in every possible way - I student taught, graduated from graduate school, found my first teaching job, got engaged, started wedding planning - in short, in my 27th year, I made my dreams come true.

Last night, I was interviewed as a spotlight alumni for the Northeastern website, and during the interview, my interviewer asked me I define success. It might be cheesy, I told her, but I define success as not only setting and achieving goals, but doing so while being happy and bettering the world around me. 

I have big dreams, and big plans, and today, as I celebrate turning 28, I am truly blessed to be able to pause for this moment and let it all sink in. Today, I am not focused on tomorrow. Today, I am not focused on yesterday. Today, I am focused on the here and the now and the beauty that is what this moment, of turning 28, holds. 

Thank you for sharing this journey with me - for celebrating the good and commiserating during the bad, for cherishing the precious and supporting my successes; I would not be here today without you.

Happy October 10th, may this day be as wonderful for you as it is for me! 



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