I Want to Remember... {Summer 2012}

Today, inspired by Elise and Ali, I want to bring you a sort of different, end of season reflection post, capturing much of what I want to remember from this Summer full of adventure...
I want to remember how thankful I was to have the farmer's market back - and how grateful I was to be able to buy delicious produce to add to dinners with Josh.
I want to remember how much fresh corn on the cob we ate, and how much fun I had adding different spices to it to create new combinations.
I want to remember how scary interviews were, but that I made it through and will again one day in the future.
I want to remember how excited as I was to be back in a classroom and how, even though it wasn't the easiest thing I ever did, or the easiest decision I ever made, I challenged myself and then met every challenge head on to succeed. I want to remember how amazing that felt.
I want to remember dancing with Josh at weddings.
I want to remember Nash's first trip (of many) to Fire Island. How he faced his first boat ride like a champ and his first time in a pool - how he tried to doggie paddle, but his long skinny body just couldn't quite keep up with his arms. I want to remember the first time he saw a wave and how he tried to chase the ocean, but when it flowed back at him he jumped and ran in the other direction. And I want to remember how much fun he had digging in the sand until his entire snout was covered and how much he loved chasing the ducks.
I want to remember Call Me Maybe.
I want to remember moving into our second apartment together and how we swore we won't move again without movers and how much stuff we have and our promise to stop buying so much stuff. (I really, really want to remember this one.)
I want to remember how much Josh allowed me to rely on him and how steady he is as he acts as my rock and my balance through each day in our lives.
I want to remember weekday brunches and afternoon movies.
I want to remember the dreams and the promises and all of the love that Josh and I share each and every day.
What do you want to remember this summer? Will you make a list and keep it tucked away somewhere for future memories? I can't believe that Fall is officially starting this weekend!



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