Happy {Blogiversary!!!} Weekend!

It's official - today is my one year blogiversary! Just over a year ago, as we moved into our first apartment together, and I set to work DIY-ing so many things, Josh suggested that I might want to start a blog. And so, I did. My first post only one year ago was a short introduction, and over the next month I started to share recipes, DIY projects, and bits of my life with Josh and our adorable pup! 
I have been so blessed and so lucky to have become a part of the blogosphere. I have met some incredible people, challenged myself in ways I never imagined, and gotten to experience some incredible events. Blogging has been a creative outlet for me, and a wonderful place for me to share pieces of my life with you. 
Today, instead of my usual weekend roundup of other awesome blog posts, I would like to share a few of my own blog posts from the past year with you. Without further ado, my top 5 visited blog posts...
Wonderfully organic DIY lip balm - I use it all the time!
My first Sunday Drive post - inspired by my mother's beautiful home
The anniversary gift I DIY'd for Josh for our second anniversary
Creating art for our entry way in our first apartment - map hearts
My first Pinterest Challenge entry - a Yarn "Ombre Style" Lampshade
And, although they aren't in the top visited blog posts, these posts are my personal favorites...
Sharing our love story with you
The most delicious BBQ turkey meatloaf
Braised short ribs that will warm your heart - and your stomach!
One of my favorite projects - this zig zag tray
Perfect - and super easy! - roasted chicken 
And, finally, introducing Nashville to you last October
I am so excited about all of the joys and challenges that my next year of blogging will bring and I hope that you will join me on this exciting adventure! I do also hope that you will have a wonderful weekend  (I'm heading home to New Jersey for a couple of days to see some of my favorite people) and I hope that I will see all of you back here on Sunday morning for next week's Sunday Drive post next week for more exciting posts and a continued tour of our new apartment space! (Note: Sunday's post canceled due to unforeseen weekend activities that left this blogger without a computer for most of the weekend.)



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