It's All in the Details

One of my favorite office details are my jumbo painted wooden clothespins...

I was wandering through Michael's one late August evening when I spotted a bin of raw wooden clothespins. And I didn't just 'spot them.' Oh no, I saw them and fell in love. What would I do with jumbo clothespins, you ask? At the moment, I had no idea but I knew that I had to have them and that they needed to be a part of my school office space.

spot the clothespins on the right by the corkboard!
So, I bought the clothespins, and some Martha glitter paint, and when I got home I grabbed some other craft paint, washi tape (I was out of painter's tape), a paintbrush and a ruler with pencil.

Then, I measured out a line on the first clothespin - one line on each side of the clothespin, and taped it off. I didn't have painter's tape but the washi tape worked wonderfully.

And then I painted!

I put about three coats of the glitter paint, waiting approximately 15 minutes between each coat, before declaring this clothespin fully painted.

With the other clothespin, I measured and taped off, and then painted just the bottom for the "dipped" look.

I also put a few coats of paint on the "dipped" clothespin, waiting about 15 minutes between each of them as well. After the paint was dry to the light touch, I took the tape off and allowed to dry fully overnight. 

I am beyond in love with these clothespins. They help me keep some inspiration and motivation on my desk and I love how adorable they are.

One of my favorite quotes, and some amazing words of wisdom from Elizabeth Edwards, "She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails." These pins allow me to bring inspiration and organization together at their finest - and they are a perfect complement to my work environment.



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