LiveBlog Part II: The Oscars {85th Annual Academy Awards}

Please note, we are having some technical difficulties here, causing the spacing to become messed up from time to time. I apologize for this issue.

When I was a kid, this was the one night of the year that I was allowed to stay up extra late (other than NYE, of course) and my whole family would watch the show together. Today, I still take the Oscars very seriously - this is my Superbowl, my World Series, my NBA Championship and my Stanley Cup Finals all rolled into one - and I am so excited this night is finally here! Josh and I are settled in on the couch (and I just finished liveblogging the red carpet) and we have our official picks locked in - and my fingers are crossed that I'll win again this year! 

8:30 ... It's here! Welcome to the 85th Annual Academy Awards!!!!

8:31 ... And it's theme night at the Oscars! So far MacFarlane is informative, but not exactly funny. Or all that interesting.

8:34 ... "Daniel Day-Lewis, how deep does your method go?"

8:35 ... Seth MacFarlane making fun of himself is actually quite funny. Also, making fun of Mel Gibson is great. 

8:36 ... I'm with Captain Kirk on this one, why can't Tina and Amy host everything? Seriously, everything. 

8:38 ... When I was 16, Whoopi Goldberg hosted the Oscars and my Mom threatened to turn it off because she was "too vulgar." 12 years later, and I think MacFarlane takes the cake for tastelessness. Seriously? A song about boobs?

8:46 ... Use this song to make up the last 16 minutes to us, Seth. 

8:47 ... Frankly, I'm just relieved that that part is over. And so thankful to see the lovely Octavia Spencer.

8:49 ... And the first Oscar of the night, for Best Supporting Actor goes to ...

8:50 ... CHRISTOPH WALTZ! Wow, is this an upset? Josh and I were both wrong. Christoph, great speech. 

8:57 ... And the Oscar for Best Animated Short goes to ...

8:58 ... The Paperman! And we're both 0 for 2 here. Anyone else doing better? This guy gets points for mentioning his kids though.

8:59 ... And the Oscar for Best Animated Film goes to...

9:00 ... BRAVE! Yay! I knew it! And I'm on the board with 1 right! Scripted, but decent speech.

9:06 ... And the Oscar for Best Cinematography goes to ...

9:07 ... Life of Pi! Now it's official, I need to see this movie. If nothing else, the man winning the Oscar has scared me into it.

9:09 ... And the Oscar for Best Visual Effects goes to ...

9:10 ... Life of Pi! And for the record, I'm 2/5 and Josh is 0/5. ... Is that the JAWS music? That is terrible. Absolutely terrible. I miss the days when no one cut the Oscars short and they went until 1:30 in the morning. 

9:17 ... And the Oscar for Best Costume Design goes to ... Anna Karenina

9:19 ... And the Oscar for Best Makeup and Hairstyling goes to ... Les Mis! And Josh got one right! Woohoo!!! 

9:23 ... Fifty Years of Bond. And.... go! 

9:27 ... The Bond showcase was underwhelming. I'm ready for some excitement - what's next? 

9:30 ... It's official - only 2 hours left to go!

9:33 ... And the Oscar for Best Live Short goes to ... Curfew! Note: I have never heard of this movie. But I am happy for everyone that the Academy sent out videos of shorts this year.

9:35 ... And the Oscar for Best Documentary Short goes to ... Inocente! Again, I've never heard of this movie. But - beautiful speech - we do need to support the arts more.

9:41 ... Making a bad joke and then making fun of that bad joke does not count as comedy. Why is finding someone decent to host the Oscars so difficult?

9:43 ... And the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature goes to ... Searching for Sugar Man. 

9:44 ... Josh and I are doing quite poorly on our Oscar ballots this year. Also, seriously, the JAWS music is just plain rude. It isn't funny, it's cruel.

9:54 ... Blogger had a little bit of technical blip - sorry about that! In the meantime, we've had John Travolta! And now it's time for a lot of music! 

9:55 ... It's been 11 years since Chicago first came out. Catherine Zeta-Jones has still got it.

9:58 ... This dress is infinitely better than the dress Hudson wore on the red carpet earlier this evening. I am loving the way she looks so much right now. 

10:01 ... I love Les Mis. I love Hugh Jackman. I loved this movie - it was genius and beyond words amazing. And I love listening to these two sing.

10:03 ... Who made the decision to let Sacha Baron Cohen back into the building? 

10:04 ... In all seriousness, this is amazing. My favorite part of the Oscars so far. For reals. Standing ovation.

10:09 ... Okay the Science and Tech Awards happened. This is important to a lot of people, but not the most exciting part of the show.

10:10 ... Ted was a bunch of fun, but this a little weird. 

10:11 ... And the Oscar for Best Sound Mixing goes to ... Les Mis! (In other news, has anyone else noticed that Amy Adams' dress is too big for her seat?)

10:14 ... I take it back, Ted is the best thing to happen to Seth MacFarlane tonight.

10:14 ... And the Oscar for Best Sound Editing goes to ... WAIT A SECOND. THERE'S A TIE?!?!?!?!!?!?! This is like when all those people on Jeopardy! ended up with ZERO for the first time. Is this real? If it is ... the first award goes to ... Zero Dark Thirty. Which is good because it's the one I picked. And the second award goes to ... Skyfall. I think Oscar history was just made. Also, Josh wants to know why all of these guys have their hair exactly the same.

10:20 ... And the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress goes to ... Anne Hathaway. I wish I was more excited about this, but I had hoped it would be Sally Field. As for her speech? "::Sigh:: It came true!" Ugh. Spare me. I love the stories behind the stars, I love the hope and the inspiration and, quite bluntly, the magic. But with Anne? I don't see magic. However, full disclosure, her speech still made me cry. What can I say? I'm a sap!

10:31 ... 10 categories left to go! 

10:33 ... And the Oscar for Best Film Editing goes to ... Argo!

10:34 ... Adele, I love you.

10:47 ... And I'm back! Did you think I left? Nope, still here! And just in time to want to throw something at Kristen Stewart.

10:48 ... And the Oscar for Best Production Design goes to ... Lincoln! And Josh and I were both wrong. Again. Current standings? Josh is at 3 out of 16 and I am at 7 out of 16. Really a poor showing on both of our parts. 

10:52 ... The Governors Ball Awards are totally making me tear up again.

During commercial I watched this video, and you should too. It will make you laugh really hard.

10:57 ... In memoriam ... These amazing individuals will be greatly missed ... 

11:03 ... Babs is amazing, as always, and I now have a small burst of energy that will hopefully give out just as the show is ending and it's time for me to go to sleep (I am back to school tomorrow after all!).

11:09 ... I love the cast of Chicago. And the Oscar for Best Original Score goes to ... Life of Pi!

11:15 ... And the Oscar for Best Original Song goes to ... Skyfall! Yay Adele!

11:22 ... Although I'm getting very sleepy, I do like that the show is going to go past 11:30 - magic and awesomeness should not have a time limit. 

11:24 ... And the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay goes to ... Argo. Notice, there is no "!" here. I think that Silver Linings Playbook was seriously robbed. 

11:27 ... And the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay goes to ... Django Unchained! Such a fantastic movie - Quentin Tarantino is a genius mastermind! And I love that he made them stop the get off of the stage music! This is the writer's year! Peace out! Best speech of the night so far! 

11:34 ... And the Oscar for Best Director goes to .... WOW! ANG LEE! That is a total upset and I love it! A huge congratulations to Ang Lee!!!!!!!! Seriously, the man is adorbs.

11:40 ... Again, I ask, why does Kristen Stewart look like such a hobo?

11:43 ... And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to ... Jennifer Lawrence. And then she fell on the stairs. I saw it, and I feel I have to comment on it, but I love her, so let's move on from it. Especially because I would 100% do that too. 100%. I love you Jennifer Lawrence. And this speech is awesome pants - all the way amazing. 

11:45 ... Welcome to the Academy Awards, Meryl.

11:48 ... And the Oscar for Best Actor goes to ... Daniel Day-Lewis. I know he's great, but does anyone else think he's won too many times? Okay, but I'm all for his speech. Fantastic!
And now, the moment we have all been waiting for ...


11:55 ... And the Oscar goes to ... Argo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww, his wife makes everything better. I love Ben too. Ben Affleck can talk very very quickly - bonus points for including everyone. Aww, he loves working with Jennifer. Movies made his dreams come true. Yes. Yes. Yes. This, this, is why I watch (and cry during) the Oscars.

This has been an incredible night of timeless magic and inspiration, and of course, blogging! I hope you had as much fun tonight as I did - thanks for joining me! (Oh, and the final tally? Josh had 9/24, and I won with 10/24.)




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