Instalife {September Edition}

Wow, this has been one heck of a week. Can you believe it is finally Friday? I am a little bit amazed that I made it to today! I'm so sorry posts were so... non-existant this week. But, it is the end of September, and so in spite of this insane week - today I want to wrap up this month with two awesome posts - this morning the September Edition of Instalife and this afternoon the September READ THIS! review and the announcement of next month's book (this is one you won't want to miss!).

This month, I didn't take nearly as many photos on Instagram as I had planned to, but here's a look at the ones that I did take!

From Labor Day weekend festivities, to work lunches and yummy dinners, road trip adventures and getting dressed up for a dinner honoring my mother - this month was a lot of fun! My favorite photo was taken just a week ago though...

Those eyes! They get us every time! And yes, he hopped right up on the edge of the loveseat in the office/den and was perched there, staring me down while I tried to do some work. So, of course - it was a perfect opportunity for a photo session! 

Are you as obsessed with Instagram as I am? You can follow along with me during the month by following me at @foreverandarecipe on Instagram! 



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