Our current apartment set-up, utilizing the 2 bedrooms, has allowed for the second bedroom to be used as a den - with two televisions set up (for optimal football viewing: RedZone on one television, and of course, the Patriots on the other) and a couple of couches. It is essentially a second living room and it is definitely great to have the additional living space. However, the downside to this arrangement is that for 7 months out of the year (February through August), the room doesn't get used nearly as often. Yes, sometimes we use it to watch television when the one of us wants to watch something the other doesn't (Hello, Grey's Anatomy!), and occasionally I use it for projects, but for the most part, the room collects dust and the walk-in closet acts as storage that gets continually cluttered. In our new apartment, I'm hoping to combat this by creating a room that allows for multiple purposes.
Aside from the desk, I plan on moving the Expedit bookcase that currently works as my nightstand into the room for the tv stand, finding a comfy chair to use, and finding some sort of shelving that works well with the room. I may end up using regular shelves, but I do really like the idea of floating ones.

Funny... this is basically what our office (ie: second bedroom) is on its way to becoming... IKEA is my best friend. I went yesterday because I was finally fed up with the four remaining boxes in the kitchen. $140 later, I bought the wire rack/matching hanging baskets I wanted for the kitchen, a coffee table for the living room, a corkboard for my desk area, and a bunch of candles... because it's impossible for me to go to IKEA and NOT buy candles.