Moving Update

Good Morning! We finally started packing this weekend! We went on Saturday to get a bunch of boxes from a liquor store so that we could start packing up. Then, on Sunday, we finally started the process! Things have been a little crazy around here lately, and to try to begin to pack amongst the chaos - and the fact that we do still need to live here for 2 weeks - we have begun by packing up things that we don't use every day. This started with our coat closet, hallway table and some kitchen decor - filling a total of ten boxes already. 

I'm not a hoarder - I swear - but heavy cookbooks take up more room than you'd probably think. And I took this...

... to this.

Oh yes, I am keeping it real and showing you the dust I left behind. Clearly taking out the books to dust BEHIND them has not always been my first priority. Oops. I'll be better next time.

And I also made some progress in our kitchen, putting away some decor and taking almost everything off of the refrigerator.

This is a shot from the apartment tour post a few weeks ago that best shows the front and side of the fridge. Now, our fridge looks like this:

The only things that remained are our calendar (yes, a doxie calendar!), and the cleaning inspection checklist from our apartment complex. We'll be doing most of the cleaning ourselves, except for carpet cleaning, which we do need to hire someone to do. 

I also, cleaned out the catch-call drawer, keeping only the important items behind in it.

When you move, what do you tackle first? Do you move room by room or hit separate pieces one by one? I can't believe that we pick up our keys in just a week and a half and I can't wait to pack more as the week goes on!




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