This morning, as I sat down to write today's blog post after taking Nash on his morning walk, it became very clear that Nash was already exhausted - although normally his morning walk barely tires him out. But in 85 degree heat (that only promises to get hotter throughout the day), a walk around the complex was more than enough to tire him out. And so, Nash urged me to change up my original blog post today and take the time to remind you of some very important tips to remember when playing with your dog on hot days.
Nash, exhausted after our morning walk |
2. Do you go on mile+ walks with your dog? That's great! But today? Today you should skip the walk and stay indoors as much as possible. Dogs can overheat as easily as humans.
3. But it is a nice day, right? So feel free to take your dog out, but just remember not to overexert him. In slight wind this morning, before it even felt very hot, Nash was panting and ready for water.

I wonder how my cat would feel if I tried placing her in a cool bath......