Happy Hanukkah!

Good Morning! And Happy Hanukkah to you! Josh and I celebrated our second Hanukkah together last night - first at home with the pup before obedience class and then after class with Josh's family (and the pup too!). This year, I wanted to get a little creative with our Hanukkah candles and so I bought a make your own Hanukkah candles kit and Josh and I decided that each night we'll roll out the ones we need. It was super easy and a ton of fun! Looks like we have a new tradition on our hands!

Here's the kit - just $9.99 at Marshalls a few weeks ago! The kit comes with enough beeswax for candles for each night, wicks, and the ever important instruction booklet!

First, take your piece of beeswax and place the wick on one side with the end sticking out.

Then, roll the beeswax with the wick inside.

And tada! You have a Hanukkah candle (and then two!)! The process took approximately 20 seconds per candle and these candles melt very well. We put them in our menorah, sang the blessings, and lit the candles - with Nash's help of course!

Please excuse the mess in the background...
For those of you celebrating, I hope you've also had a great start to the holiday and may you have eat many latkes and have a very happy celebration! Happy Hanukkah!

PS. I'm linking up to the final week of the NewlyWoodwards' Dare to DIY Blog Party - Dare to Have Traditions!



  1. What a nice tradition to start! I was thinking of making an ornament each year but Xmas is in four days soooo yeah probably won't get around to it haha. Happy Hanukkah!


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