Daddy's Girl {Thankful Thursday}

I am very fortunate to be incredibly close to both of my parents. I speak to my mother on the phone almost daily and while I don't speak to my father nearly as often as I'd we'd both like to, our relationship is just as special to me. Tonight, I get a rare chance to spend an entire evening with my father and he's also going to stop by my office for a visit this afternoon. He's in town for a black-tie dinner this evening and since my stepmother was unable to join him for the trip, he invited me to join him for the evening. I get to wear my bridesmaid dress from my best friend's wedding earlier this fall and I get to spend an entire night hanging out with my Dad. This is definitely a win/win situation and I couldn't be more thankful.

In my excitement to see my Dad tonight, I found myself again saying that I should speak to him more. That I should call him more often just to say hello and to trade stories about our lives, instead of calling him more often to ask about things like my health insurance. My Dad lives in New Jersey, where I grew up, and since I'm now in Boston, we are a 4 hour drive away from each other. The plane ride is shorter (only about an hour) but being home without a car is not easy to do and so, if I'm going home, I'm usually driving. Because of this, and the 8 hour round trip that the drive there and back entails - and that's without traffic, Josh and I don't make the drive too often. The last time I saw my Dad was in August, when he, my mother and my stepmother came to see the new apartment and to meet Josh's parents, and as far as I'm concerned, 2 months is far too long. But because I do usually only get to see my family a few times a year, I am especially grateful today that we get to share this visit tonight.

My hope for you today is that you'll take the time to be a little extra thankful for your fathers throughout the day. If you have a moment, give them a call just to say hi or tell him that you love him. Take pause in this rainy day to remember how grateful you are to have your dad in your life. I'm not only going to feel thankful today, but I'm also going to make sure my dad knows that I'm glad to have this opportunity to spend some extra time with him.

What about you? Any good father/daughter stories to share? Do you love getting extra time to share with a parent? I'd love to hear from you!



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