Wow. It’s finally here. FINALLY. I’ve been dreaming about updating this space for such a long time, and wavered for quite awhile on whether it was even worth it. But let me tell you… It definitely was!!
You will notice a couple of major changes have taken place here! For starters, the name of the blog has officially changed. Five years ago when I first started this blog, Forever and a Recipe seemed like such a perfect name. I wanted to primarily blog about home and food and Josh and I had just moved in together so I liked the play on the phrase “forever and a day” because it was fun and a little cheesy - just like us! But, fast forward five years, while I do still want to blog about house projects and food, it isn’t my primary interest anymore. There is so much more that I want to talk about and I feel like I had stuck myself in an impossible spot with the original name. And so, I changed it! The new blog is simply my name - Sara Levine - and that way I won’t feel stuck into any specific categories. You will automatically be sent to the new URL - - if you go to the old, and all of my posts have transferred over, so you can still find all of your favorite posts from Forever and a Recipe!
Along with the new blog title and URL, I have also done a complete redesign - courtesy of the fantastic Terintino Shop on Etsy. A simple, classic design that I am excited to enjoy for a long time to come! And it is a bit more streamlined for those of you looking for specific posts - whether it’s on something related to the home, the kitchen or the classroom, you can find it faster by going through the pages at the top.
Also, you will find that I’ve updated my social media as well! My Twitter and Instagram now both share the blog URL name as well - saralevineblog. You won’t have to do anything to follow these instead of the old ones, it will automatically update in your Twitter and Insta feeds. If you want to keep up with blog posts on Facebook, and you don’t already, you can follow the Facebook page at Sara Levine Blog to stay up to date with blog posts each week!
I am so excited about these changes and thrilled to share some exciting life changes with you in the upcoming weeks! I hope you like the new design as much as I do and that you're looking forward to a new season of blogging from me!
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