Happy 2016! {One Little Word}

Happy 2016!! Can you believe that just yesterday it was 2015? No, seriously, yesterday was literally 2015. But now, with the switch of a clock at midnight, we get a chance to start all over. A new day, a new year, a new... anything you want!

Last year, my word for 2015 was "move" - and wow, did I ever! First, Josh and I literally moved into our first house. We moved from the apartment that we had called home for 3 years (where we got engaged and got married) into our first house together. The physical move of stuff wasn't too difficult, but the moving of our lives to a (new-to-me) area has certainly been a bit of a change. Even for Josh, who grew up in the town that we moved to, has had to adjust to change with the move. 

Second, I began to be more active! I got a Fitbit in December 2014 and now, 13 months later, I'm still going strong with it! I absolutely love my Fitbit and it truly almost never leaves my wrist. While I tend to move in and out of fitness bursts in waves, I have walked about 2,000 miles in the last year. Much of this is thanks to some fitness challenges at work - both individual and group - that have revved up my competitive spirit and gotten me to move more at work and at home. I wrote a review about my fitbit here, and it definitely still holds true. Many of my friends have Fitbits now and I just bought one for my stepmother for Hanukkah. And - fun fact! - the Fitbit app was the most downloaded app around Christmas time this year. Clearly, "move" made its way to a lot of people this year.

The first two ways that I used my one little word were the ones that I originally intended it to represent. As I talked about last year, it would represent our change in address and my desire to be more active. But, throughout the year, I found that it came to represent a third type of movement - moving forward in the day-to-day. I tried to use forward momentum from little successes to push myself to reach for more. I took on a new prep this year (and almost halfway through the year I am loving it) and began to advise another club (and it is - so far - a success!). Moving forward in my career and my life is helping me to realize and harness so much potential in my creative life - and has led me to my one little word for 2016: creative.

     creative (krēˈādiv) adjective 1. relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas,    especially in the production of an artistic work 

This year, I want to push the limits of my creativity with work, home projects and everyday life. It is my hope that I will work to change the ordinary into the extraordinary - and enjoy every moment of making this year an even more incredible one than the last.

My wish for you is that 2016 will also be your best year yet; that you will cherish every moment for what it is - a moment of this beautiful thing that we call life. 2016 is a blank canvas for you to use - to create, to build, and most importantly, to begin. Welcome to 2016 and cheers to this new beginning! 




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