
Did you got lost in a spell of Adele this fall? No? Just me? 

In all seriousness though, I really can't blame my lack of posting on Adele though. I can, however, blame it on a number of other things - including teaching a new class, taking on another club, taking a graduate class at Northeastern, and settling into new school year routines. But so many things have happened over the past six months and I am thrilled to have a little bit of time this break to update the blog and prep some posts for the new year!

We have made a ton of progress on our house - and had actually made some of that progress when I last posted. We have painted most of the house, added bookshelves to the living room, and re-did the entire den. There are still some more projects to undertake in those rooms and so they aren't 100% done, but they are looking significantly better than they did six months ago. 

Overall, we have settled into being homeowners - complete with all of the strangeness that comes with saying those words. Over the next few weeks, I'm hoping to wrap up some end of the year items (book lists, one little word, and new year planning) and get you all caught up with the progress in the new house. In the meantime, I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season and getting excited for all of the new and wonderful things heading your way in 2016!

Happy holidays from our family to yours!



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