Life, Lately {InstaUpdate}

Wow. A free moment to blog? To clear out my thoughts and enjoy this little space I created once upon a time? It almost feels like these moments are becoming further and further out of reach - and I'm not so sure that I'm okay with that. Life has officially become too insanely busy for words. On one hand, it's a good thing - a really good thing and I am truly loving every single moment of this crazy adventure right now. On the other hand, I'm worried that all of this activity is generating a lot of unreleased stress that isn't good for me or my health.

I've taken on more responsibility at work and although I am really excited about the additional class (and the additional money), no one can say that taking on this extra class was a sane thing to do. I'm advising a club (Operation Day's Work) and co-advising two others (Book Club and History Bowl) and trying to stay on top of my regular 5 classes. 

And, on top of everything happening in my work life, there's that other teeny tiny thing in my life - planning our wedding! Planning is going wonderfully, but I've set deadlines and am putting extra pressure on myself to meet them. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting a lot of outside pressure too - and even though I know the deadlines I've set for myself are early so that I'm prepared ahead of time - sometimes it's hard to explain that to everyone else involved in the planning. So, I'm trying to take planning one day at a time and working to get things done as much as possible on weeknights and weekends. I'm looking forward to a productive weekend in NJ this upcoming weekend to get more things checked off of the to-do list!

To give you a little bit more insight into what life is looking like around here, here's some of my recent favorites from Instagram - where you can always follow me at foreverandarecipe

Non-stop grading to do! From classwork to homework - there's always more work to grade!
I volunteered to judge the science fair this year - and had such a wonderful time! And - BONUS - I learned a lot!
We are trying Blue Apron for the first time this week! Already one meal in and we're loving it!
Tulips from my wonderful friend Meg. I would be lost without her guidance!!
And of course, no life update would be complete without this adorable cutie. He keeps me smiling and gets me up and out of bed every morning - even on days I could hit the snooze button a few more times!
Overall, life right now is incredible. It's busy and overwhelming at times, but I'm not sure I'd really want it to be any other way. I am constantly finding more inspiration around me - from my students, my peers, and from Josh - and I love that I don't let that inspiration pass me by.

I bought a print from Elise Blaha's make29 project and think that it perfectly captures my thoughts right now...

Magic is something you make - and I love the magic that I'm making in my life every single day. Even on those days I'd rather go to bed at 6 than do anything else - it's still worth it. And even though I'm not here at the blog every day, please know that I am still around and that magic things are happening. And I promise (you and myself) that I will take the time to keep sharing the magic. 



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