Instalife {October Edition}

So, I don't know if any one noticed, or not, but um... it's the end of November. And I never posted October's Instagram photos! And so, before we get to the end of the week - and it is time for November's snapshot of Instalife - I thought this would be a great time to share October's! 

October was quite the month! From trips to Target and homemade dinners, to starting Project Life (update post on that coming this week!) and watching as much election coverage as possible, to a great Blogger conference at Stonewall Kitchen and my new favorite way to organize grocery lists, to witnessing an arrest at Walmart, discovering Nash's new favorite game, and getting my brand new cell phone case!

And my two favorites from the month? My brand new beautiful camera and ...

... this adorable picture of Nash! We were on our way to meet Baby Myla and he was just too cute for words!

This month's Instalife post will be up later this week - along with some other great stuff! Hope you've all had a great start to the week! 



  1. That Obama phone cover is forever my favorite thing ever.


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