Happy Birthday, Josh!

Photo taken by the fabulously talented Morgan Lee, at www.morganleephotography.com
Today, I want to wish the most wonderful man a very very happy birthday! 

Joshua, you are the light of my life and I am so incredibly blessed to be able to share this day with you.  This past year, you have shown incredible grace and strength, and I could not be more proud of who you are, or more supportive of your dreams.  I am so excited about everything that the upcoming year is going to bring and I cannot wait to spend a lifetime of birthdays by your side.  I cannot wait to celebrate with you this weekend and have a delicious birthday dinner with you tonight!  I love you, always, and forever.

P.S. I'll be back later this afternoon with my usual Friday link round-up and happy weekend post!



  1. Aw! Well aren't you two absolutely adorable!

  2. Love the pic. Looks very close to an engagement photo. I am just pointing out the obvious.

    1. Haha - we did a photo session with my friend Morgan because she was looking to build up her portfolio! We spent a morning a few weeks ago out with Nash while Morgan directed our photo shoot! We had a blast! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Josh! I love the photo!


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