Recipe: Italian Summer Corn

I love corn all year round, but I especially love being able to utilize fresh corn on the cob during the Summer. I really like playing around with different seasonings for corn and I think I've found a new favorite combination. 

In order to pull this together, you'll need corn on the cob, butter and seasonings - basil, oregano, garlic powder, minced onion and thyme leaves.

First, butter the corn. 

Then, sprinkle a light layer of each spice over each ear of corn.

Wrap the ear up in the tin foil and place in the oven at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

When done, take out of the oven, remove from the tin foil, and serve!

This is a great compliment to Italian seasoned chicken and went perfectly with an additional side of baked squash and zucchini (recipe coming later this week)! 




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