Movie Inspired Menu {An Ode to Nora Ephron}

An icon in American movie history, When Harry Met Sally has given us with infamous scenes ("I'll have what she's having."), heartfilled lines ("When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.") and some hilarious moments ("A Sheldon can do your income taxes, if you need a root canal, Sheldon's your man... but humpin' and pumpin' is not Sheldon's strong suit."). Nora Ephron, the genius behind these geniously scripted lines, passed away last week at age 71 after a battle with leukemia. Her work has inspired generations of women and film would not be what it is today without her. As a small ode to Ms. Ephron, on Saturday night I put together a menu inspired by When Harry Met Sally.

 First Course

Baby Spinach with Chopped Pecans and Sliced Cucumbers

inspired by:  
Harry Burns: Repeat after me. Pepper.
Sally Albright: Pepper.
Harry Burns: Pepper.
Sally Albright: Pepper.
Harry Burns: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Sally Albright: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Harry Burns: But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie. 

Main Course

Reuben Burger with Swiss Cheese, Russian Dressing and Creamy Coleslaw

inspired by Katz's Deli in which the famous fake orgasm scene occurs:
[after Sally fakes orgasm in a deli]
Older Woman Customer: [to waiter] I'll have what she's having. 
Strawberry Ice Cream with Real Whipped Cream
inspired by:
Sally Albright: But I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real; if it's out of the can then nothing.  
For our dinner, since it was only the two of us, we enjoyed the salad as a side with our main course. To make the reuben burgers, use my summer bbq burgers recipe as a base for your burger patties. Then, you'll need a few slices of corned beef. Chop the slices of meat and mix them into your burger mixture.

Cook the burgers as you would normally, melting swiss cheese on top.To prepare the toppings, spread Russian dressing on the top of the bun, and load it up with cole slaw. 

Create the salad by using baby spinach and tossing with sliced cucumbers and chopped pecans for a delicious meal!

If you're not a huge fan of coleslaw, sauerkraut is actually more commonly used in reuben sandwiches and you can absolutely substitute it for your reuben burger. Josh and I enjoyed this delicious meal while watching When Harry Met Sally and we both agree that it is the perfect compliment to a fantastic movie! I think this is a menu that Nora Ephron would have approved of wholeheartedly. Enjoy!




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